“Mulatto Patriot & Simeon Viltz, Ray Elementary I’ve had this album in serious rotation since it dropped last month. I’m probably going to have this album in serious rotation for a long time. They outfit coffins with stereo systems now, so who knows, I might be like, “Bury me in the navy blue suit and put Ray Elementary on repeat.” Mulatto Patriot’s production is outstanding. It’s funky, it’s dusty, it’s groovy . . . music doesn’t get much sexier than this. Put it in the headphones, and you get this colorful swirl of organs, guitars, and horns swimming around the brain. Consistently great verses from Viltz and a whole stable of guests too. It’s been great for winter walks, but it really is an album best suited for hot summer nights. Windows-down, thighs-stuck-to-the-vinyl kind of shit. Someday.” – Matt Carmichael (managing editor at TriQuarterly)
READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: m.chicagoreader.com/chicago/hecker-mawrcrest-simone-mulatto-elementary-malkmus-carmichael/Content?oid=12568667